Photos de Médersa Ben Youssef

Ben Youssef Madrasa – Madraza Ben Youssef, Marrakech HDR par marcp_dmoz

The Ben Youssef Madrasa was an Islamic college in Marrakech and was named after the amoravid sultan Ali ibn Yusuf (reigned 1106–1142), who expanded the city and its influence considerably. The college was founded during the period of the Marinid (14th century) by the Marinid sultan Abu al-Hassan and allied to the neighbouring Ben Youssef Mosque. The building of the madrasa, as it is now, was (re-)constructed by the Saadian Sultan Abdallah al-Ghalib (1557–1574). It is the largest Medrasa in all of Morocco. In 1565 the works ordered by Abdallah al-Ghalib were finished, as confirmed by the inscription in the prayer room. Its 130 student dormitory cells cluster around a courtyard richly carved in cedar, marble and stucco. The carvings contain no representation of humans or animals as required by Islam, and consist entirely of inscriptions and geometric patterns. This madrasa was one of the largest theological colleges in North Africa and may have housed as many as 900 students. One of its best known teachers was Mohammed al-Ifrani (1670-1745). Closed down in 1960, the building was refurbished and reopened to the public as an historical site in 1982 (Wikipedia). HDR from five bracketed exposures (1EV steps), handheld. -------------------------- Representa una gran escuela coránica, en la que vivían los estudiantes mientras llevaban a cabo sus estudios religiosos del Corán en torno a su fe musulmana. Se levantó a finales del siglo XVI por orden de un importante sultán, y se convirtió en la más grane e importante de todo Marruecos. Es una obra de arte arquitectónica, en donde destaca sobremanera su magnífico patio interior decorado con arcadas mozárabes, un estanque para las abluciones, columnas de mármol y coloridos azulejos que lo confieren una belleza espectacular. Contaba con unas ciento treinta celdas donde se alojaban los casi mil estudiantes, que cada curso eran acogidos allí de manera austera, y que podemos visitar. Además son de gran hermosura sus suelos de mosaico, y la puerta de bronce de entrada ( HDR generado a partir de un horquillado de cinco exposiciones (intervalos de 1EV) sin trípode. Details | Detalles: <a href=";size=large" rel="nofollow">View On Black | Ver más grande</a>
La médersa Ben Youssef (مدرسة ابن يوسف) est une médersa, joyau de l'architecture arabo-andalouse situé à Marrakech, au Maroc. Lire plus
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