Photos de Tour Eiffel

Paris France - Eiffel Tower - Parisian Landmark - Exposition of 1889 - Cloudy Day par Onasill ~ Bill

Eiffel Tower, French Tour Eiffel, Parisian landmark that is also a technological masterpiece in building-construction history. When the French government was organizing the International Exposition of 1889 to celebrate the centenary of the French Revolution, a competition was held for designs for a suitable monument. More than 100 plans were submitted, and the Centennial Committee accepted that of the noted bridge engineer Gustave Eiffel. Eiffel’s concept of a 300-metre (984-foot) tower built almost entirely of open-lattice wrought iron aroused amazement, skepticism, and no little opposition on aesthetic grounds. When completed, the tower served as the entrance gateway to the exposition. 1
La tour Eiffel, initialement nommée tour de 300 mètres, est une tour de fer puddlé construite par Gustave Eiffel et ses collaborateurs pour l'Exposition universelle de Paris de 1889. Situé à l'extrémité du parc du Champ-de-Mars, en bordure de la Sein... Lire plus
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